Thursday, November 8, 2018

Game Zone.

Download The Flipkart App
Press The Button Which Is Present On The Top- Left Corner
The Button Which You Are Pressing Has

 A Logo Of Three Lines
Now, press on the game zone button
you can play games and enjoy it.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Some tips to be healthy,

1: Not to eat junk food.
2: Take a walk when you are conversing on phone.
3: Instead of the lift, take the stairs.
4: Take short breaks and step away from workstation.
5: Do push-up's, squats, sit up's and mare exercises. This will keep you in shape.
6: Instead of starchy foods, choose whole grain variants which contain more fibre, and keep you feeling full.
7: If you're feeling dehydrated, drink any of the sugar syrup.
8: Avoid watching Tv or mobile or any of the gadget which emits light as this can interfere with your sleep.
9: To focus on anything install a application named pomodoro timer or buy it.